La Grind 2024 Checkpoints

Saturday checkpoint Info

30-Mile FunRide Checkpoint

Mile 13.5 - Full-Service Stop “Steve Henry FeedZone” (Olpe, Ks)

50 Mile Checkpoints

Mile 25.5---Full-Service Stop “Saddle Sore Sag” w/Tom & Bobby’s Crew

Mile 35.8---Full-Service Stop “Steve Henry FeedZone” (Olpe, Ks)

100 Mile Checkpoints

Mile 25.5---Full-Service Stop “Saddle Sore Sage” w/Tom & Bobby’s Crew

Mile 58.7 --- Scott’s Water Station (Hydration, no food)

Mile 73.7---Full-Service Stop “Saddle Sore Sag” w/Tom & Bobby’s Crew

Mile 84.1---Full-Service “Steve Henry FeedZone” (Olpe, Ks)

Pretzels, chips, pickles, water, coke, homemade cookies, CARBOROCKET

Sunday’s Feed-Zone Information/Location

65 Mile Checkpoints

Mile 13.5---Full-Service Stop “Steve Henry FeedZone”

Mile 28.5---Casey's General Store (bring $ if you need to purchase supplies)

Mile 48.2---Full-Service Stop “Steve Henry FeedZone”

Pretzels, chips, pickles, water, coke, homemade cookies, electrolyte supplement and Chamois Butt’r … we got you covered!

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All proceeds go to Handlebars of Hope. Your entry fees KEEP on GIVING long after you cross the finish line.